Wednesday 1 February 2012

Egyptian Gods

This isn't the full set of Egyptian gods. There are a lot of gods and goddesses that people worshipped in the days of the Ancient Egyptians.

Set - god of evil, chaos and deserts
Osiris - god of the dead
Horus - god of warfare
Isis - goddess of magic
Nephthys - goddess of night and lamentation. (Wife of Set and mother of Anubis)
Bes - god of dwarves
Anubis - god of funerals
Thoth - god of wisdom, scribes, baboons, ibises and magicians.
Sobek - god of crocodiles
Sekhmet - goddess of war, battles and lions. (Bad side of Hathor)
Hathor - goddess of joy, motherhood, cows, turquoise and love. (Good side of Sekhmet)
Serqet - goddess of protection and arachnids
Tawaret - goddess of hippopotami, pregnancy and childbirth
Nut - sky goddess. (Mother of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set and Nephthys. Wife of Geb)
Geb - god of the earth. (Father of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set and Nephthys. Husband of Nut)
Shu - god of the wind. (Father of Nut and Geb)
Ra - sun god
Nekhbet - goddess of vultures
Babi - god of the savage alpha male baboons
Apophis - god of chaos
Ptah - god of workmen and the "opening of the mouth ceremony"*
Bast - goddess of cats

*The opening of the mouth ceremony was performed so that the dead person could speak and breathe while in the after life.

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